Monday, May 31, 2010

Morocco #3...Fez to Midelt

Today we leave the excitement and bussle of Fez and drive south across the Mid Atlas mountains to Midelt...a small market town situated between the Mid Atlas mountains and the Hight Atlas mountains....the weather is very cold and windy....what we did not plan was the snow!!!!. As we drove higher it got colder and colder...We entered a small town which looked like a Swiss mountain village...apparently all the rich from Fez and beyond have winter houses here where they go skiing and also come in summer to avoid the heat of Fez and Casablanca. We enjoyed a welcome coffee stop and briefly looked around town....but we are not equiped clothes wise for the cold.....after leaving town we drive even is now snowing heavily and the driving is a little scarey...but our very capable and cautious...we got out to enjoy the snow.....briefly...very briefly...great for us as we have not seen snow falling before....

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