Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

After a picnic lunch in an oasis we travelled on dirt roads to an "Auberge"...hotel in the desert at a place called Merzouga, which we found out later is only 70 kms from the Algerian border. Here we packed our small backpacks for our camel trek and overnight stay in the Sahara.

We rode the camels for 2 hours into the desert...arrived with stiff legs and sore bums to our nomad tents in the sand........we trekked around a bit...had another tagine on a carpet spread on the sand...washed it down with some wine we had brought with us...and slept in our clothes....woke at dawn to watch the sun rise and rode back to the hotel....The Sahara is breathtakingly beautiful in its isolation and never ending unforgetable experience ( except for the sore bum)......washed at the auberge and set off for our Berber guest house....more soon

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

High Atlas Mountains

We crossed through the High Atlas mountains travelling south to our desert camp in the Sahara. Our guide, Samir, changed his clothing today to his native Berber attire. He says we will be more accepted if he dresses this way and as a Berber he is expected to dress this way when he is in his home region. We are seeing our first "oasis" now. It is amazing that the surrounding hills can be so bare and the valleys so lush with crops and date palms. We called into a regional town and went to the market to buy our picnic lunch. we purchased beautiful crisp baked bread and canned tuna and some fruit.....Sharon couldn't resist a walk thru the meat section...she would have bought a goats head but had no where to cook it !!!! next stop the Sahara

Monday, May 31, 2010

Morocco #4...Midelt

Some photos of around Midelt....very small town in a very non vegetated area between the the 2 sets of Atlas mountains. Scattered around in the rolling hills you can see lonely nomad Berber shepherd families living in quite large tents made of home woven wool and goat hair..sewn together .they all live in one tent and cook in small stone ovens that they contruct each time they move on.

Morocco #5...Midelt

After we crossed the Mid Atlas mountains the sky cleared to a brilliant blue...the wind is still very cold......we are driving to Midelt...just out of town is a gorge which we visit and climb along the ridges for about an hour.....we come across a sheperd with his sheep and goats....and then descend to a little village of Berbers....the original people of Morocco.....before the Arabs arrived. The village is very small and made up of mud brick dwellings and narrow alleyways....the kids are coming home from we spend 15 minutes with them...luckily the Canadian couple speak french as the kids speak French as fact Samir, our guide, helps them with their homework and they ask us to write our names and where we come from so they can show their teacher .....much hilarity and picture taking...I will post some more of this encounter later....we are staying in a Kasbah tonight (pictured)....the other photo is taken from our room window, looking towards the High Atlas.....which we are to cross tomorrow

Morocco #3...Fez to Midelt

Today we leave the excitement and bussle of Fez and drive south across the Mid Atlas mountains to Midelt...a small market town situated between the Mid Atlas mountains and the Hight Atlas mountains....the weather is very cold and windy....what we did not plan was the snow!!!!. As we drove higher it got colder and colder...We entered a small town which looked like a Swiss mountain village...apparently all the rich from Fez and beyond have winter houses here where they go skiing and also come in summer to avoid the heat of Fez and Casablanca. We enjoyed a welcome coffee stop and briefly looked around town....but we are not equiped clothes wise for the cold.....after leaving town we drive even is now snowing heavily and the driving is a little scarey...but our very capable and cautious...we got out to enjoy the snow.....briefly...very briefly...great for us as we have not seen snow falling before....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Morocco #2...Fez

Fez.... we are staying in the Medina (Walled city...original & very old)
Pictures are from the market. The photo of the pits is a leather treating operation. the white pits are full of pidgeon poop which strips and cures the leather...the coloured pits are the various colours. The smell is something we will never forget...puts you off buying leather!!!!
Aerial shot is looking down into the medina from a hill...our hotel is in there somewhere....
As you can see, you can buy any type and size of tagine known to man.
The market is made up of a maze of narrow cars or motor bikes...only donkeys and mules to cart things around.....the place is a need a guide or you will get lost in around 5 can heads still dripping with blood...goats heads...goats feet....and of course...TAGINES of every kind...more from Fez soon...stay tuned